Measuring Business Impact of Workforce Development

BOSTON — On Wednesday, November 30, Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Joanne F. Goldstein will offer opening remarks at the “Measuring Business Impact of Workforce Development” event at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, hosted by EOLWD’s Commonwealth Corporation. This event will focus on the benefits and challenges of measuring business impact of workforce development programs. It will include a step-by-step instruction on how to begin the process. In addition, a panel of employers and workforce development practitioners will discuss their experiences with and offer their advice for measuring business impact.

WHAT: “Measuring Business Impact of Workforce Development”, a Commonwealth Corporation Workforce Development in Practice event

WHO: Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, Joanne F. Goldstein

WHEN: Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 8:30 a.m.

WHERE: College of the Holy Cross, Hogan Campus Center, 1 College Street, Worcester

A new guidebook to assist employers will be introduced at the event, and will be available afterwards on Commonwealth Corporation’s website at In addition, a recent report, “Measuring Business Impact: Lessons Learned from Workforce Development in Massachusetts”
can be found at,

Register for this event here:


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