Category Archives: Uncategorized

Election Day

Click here to watch our live web stream from the Ahern Middle School Election Polls. Live coverage of election results will begin at 8pm.

Learn about the Candidates

Jaycees Candidates Night 2011
The Foxboro Jaycees Candidates Night was broadcast live on FCA Channel 8 on April 14th, Click on the image to watch.
FOXBOROUGH, MA - In nine days the polls will open at the Ahern Middle School and … Continue Reading ››

FCA Scholarship Application

Since 1985, FCA has presented 26 scholarships to local students pursuing a degree in the Communications Field
FOXBORO, MA: Foxboro Cable Access continues to encourage higher education in the Communications field by offering a $1000 scholarship annually. Any … Continue Reading ››

Student-Faculty Basketball Today @ 2:30pm

Click here to watch live coverage of the Student-Faculty Basketball Game
FOXBORO, MA - Foxboro residents will be able to watch live coverage of the Foxborough High School Student-Faculty Basketball Game today at 2:30pm.  This annual event is organized … Continue Reading ››