The Hockomock Area YMCA enjoyed a beautiful fall day of exclusive golf on the world class TPC Boston for its fifth annual Legends Golf Classic yesterday. Under the leadership of New England Patriot Legend and the Hockomock Y’s Legends Chair Pete Brock, New England sports legends were paired with golfers to create a truly unique experience. The Hockomock Area YMCA is proud to continue its partnership with TPC Boston to create this memorable experience. This event paired foursomes with New England sports legends creating a priceless experience for golfers.
The proceeds from the Legends Golf Classic (as well as the annual Legends Ball on November
18th at Lake Pearl Luciano’s in Wrentham) will provide opportunities for youth and teens with special
needs to participate alongside their typically developing peers through our innovative and unique
Integration Initiative. Established in 2004, more than 700 families have participated in the
Integration Initiative where youth and teens increase independence and physical activity while
improving social skills and build self esteem.

Sports fans and friends of the Hockomock Area YMCA who are interested in attending the 2014 Legends Ball may contact Peter Waisgerber at 508-643-5251.
The Hockomock Area YMCA is an organization of men, women, and children sharing a commitment to nurture the potential of kids, promote healthy living, and foster a sense of social responsibility. With over 31,000 members, half under the age of 18, the YMCA is committed to partnering and collaborating with others to create and deliver lasting personal and social change in the 15 communities they are privileged to serve.
The Y is for Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility.